November marks the end of a month-long recruitment process for 10 enthusiastic students to co-create a Carnival University which will be showcased at Carnival Expo in May 2018. During the recruitment process applicants submitted a CV, were interviewed and produced a short statement about their motivations to join Carnival U.
The selected candidates under the leadership of Dr.Nicole Ferdinand will undergo a programme of professional development with a view to developing and promoting 4 innovative educational seminars featuring an aspect of Carnival at the Carnival Expo in May 2018. Possible topics include: carnival history, carnival business, social media and carnival arts.
The autumn semester of Carnival U will be an important period for the students. During this time, they will get to grips with their task and meet the Carnival Expo organizer, Mr Andrew Rajpaulsingh. They will also have two workshops with marketing and exhibition professionals Ms Liz Gordon from Brilliant Fish PR & Marketing and Ms Janet Browne from the Victoria and Albert Museum.
Organizations supporting Carnival U’s Professional Development Programme this semester.